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Mathew Augustine

Mathew Augustine, GPHR, REBC, CEO of Workforce Junction LLC

7. On-Purpose Prospecting

Juan’s dreams come true. He now has everything he needs – and a team to back him up – for attracting, onboarding and retaining bigger, better clients.

Melon's Place Episode #6

6. Leap of Faith

Despite torrents of trepidation, Ray convinces the Mellon’s Place team to try a One-Client Test Drive. The tension is palpable, the sparks fly, and after blinking their eyes a couple of times, they emerge on the other side of a complex OE as heroes.

The Employee Success Revolution Webinar

The Employee Success Revolution

A new way of ensuring customers actual achieve their goals is rapidly gaining popularity among large enterprises. It’s called Customer Success and savvy companies are using it to retain customers longer and maximize per-customer profit.

5. Dashboard Dreams

Cybil hears about an entirely different approach to ben admin. Her investigation and introduction to Ray lead to an unexpected surprise for the entire team.

Mellon's Place Episode 3

3. Clues Among the Wreckage

The team at Mellon and Associates tries to figure out why they can’t seem to get online enrollment technology to work for them. How did we get here? What made us do it? What did we miss? What did we do wrong?

Mellons Place episode 1

1. Omens of the Inevitable

Really Big Client wants a ben admin system in the worst way… and that’s how they’re going to get it. Can the team at Mellon and Associates pull it off?

Business Continuity

COVID-19 Update

Business Continuity Preparedness

We understand and appreciate our role in supporting employers and their employees by providing health insurance enrollments, payroll deductions, and other benefits administration services.