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Customer Success Team

Your source for wisdom and service

Meet the team that empowers your success.

An additional group of dedicated professionals and specialists support the people featured on this page. With only a few exceptions, our Customer Success Team has worked together for over 10 years.

Their combined experience, deep trust in each other, and their shared passion for empowering your success, make this team one of your most formidable allies. Our team chemistry drives our ability to proactively serve you and rapidly respond to new opportunities by scaling our capabilities and technology. 

We invite you to bring your opportunities – and your challenges – to us. 

We are here to make sure you never have to say “No.”

Andrea Stanton

Andrea Stanton

Lead, The Benefits Desk

The Answer Oracle

Andrea Stanton

Andrea Stanton

Lead, The Benefits Desk

The Answer Oracle

Andrea knows employees have the last word when it comes to rating the success – or failure – of a benefits program. Andrea and her team tap into the shared wisdom of every possible source to find solutions to all employee concerns, needs, and opportunities.

Brian Perrine

Brian Perrine

Head, Business Development

The Relationship Zealot

Brian Perrine

Brian Perrine

Head, Business Development

The Relationship Zealot

As the champion of our #1 Value “Relationships First”, Brian generously invests time, attention and wisdom into nurturing long-term, win-win relationships. He helps people see “a better way” and find the confidence to act. Above all, he is inspired by our promise that “You never have to say no.”

Chiti Babu

Chitti Babu 

Lead, Systems Engineering

The Systems Sentinel

Chiti Babu

Chitti Babu 

Lead, Systems Engineering

The Systems Sentinel

Chitti tends to our systems with a passion few can match. Beyond ensuring our systems operate at the peak of performance, he is steadfast in guarding them against cyber predators. Chitti is always on the lookout for greater efficiency and better tools, all at the lowest practical cost.

Curtis Verstraete

Curtis Verstraete


The Wisdom Wrangler

Curtis Verstraete

Curtis Verstraete


The Wisdom Wrangler

When wisdom is discovered, shared and applied, people, companies, communities and societies thrive. Curtis captures our collective wisdom and ensures its power and value is fully realized by our partners, their clients, and our team.

Denna Mathew

Denna Mathew

Head, Product Management

The Attentive Architect

Denna Mathew

Denna Mathew

Head, Product Management

The Attentive Architect

With decades of client service experience to guide her, Denna inspires our developers to deliver practical, relevant, and readily usable products. Her golden rule is: “Only build products that matter; ones that make success easier for our partners and their customers.”

Dilip Kumar

Dilip Kumar

Lead, Product Management

The Tenacious Translator

Dilip Kumar

Dilip Kumar

Lead, Product Management

The Tenacious Translator

Over many years of deployment experience, Dilip has mastered the art of translating business and workforce needs into precise technical specifications. He leads his team to compassionately serve the best interests of the customer.

Jasmin Smith

Jasmin Smith

Lead, Product Support

The Satisfaction Specialist

Jasmin Smith

Jasmin Smith

Lead, Product Support

The Satisfaction Specialist

Jasmin thrives in the real world of our partners and their employer clients. Her operating principle is simple, “Our products only become great when they exceed the expectations of the people using them.”

Johnsey Joseph

Johnsey Joseph

Head, Backoffice Services

The Relentless Ringleader

Johnsey Joseph

Johnsey Joseph

Head, Backoffice Services

The Relentless Ringleader

Growing and empowering a creative, proactive, and unified backoffice team demands great leadership. Johnsey’s deep concern for people coupled with her problem-solving talent is the secret behind our team’s ability to scale and take on all challenges.

Juan Brito

Juan Brito

Head, The Benefits Desk and CRM

The Ardent Advocate

Juan Brito

Juan Brito

Head, The Benefits Desk and CRM

The Ardent Advocate

Customer outcomes matter most to Juan. Genuine concern for people, patience, empathy, and the ability to hear and deeply understand the needs of others is why he is repeatedly acknowledged as a customer service hero.

Mathew Augustine

Mathew Augustine


The Challenge Champion

Mathew Augustine

Mathew Augustine


The Challenge Champion

There is no challenge Mathew can’t find a way to overcome. Our partners never need to say “No” because Mathew is on their side. Plus, Mathew continuously challenges our entire team to reach new heights of personal and professional success.

Nitya Mathew

Nitya Mathew

Head, Service Operations

The Process Princess

Nitya Mathew

Nitya Mathew

Head, Service Operations

The Process Princess

Nitya has a magical power, developing and documenting SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures). She drives continuous improvement, greater efficiency, and ultimately, greater effectiveness in our ability to serve our partners and their employer clients.

Pat Porter

Pat Porter

Head, Admin and Finance

The Fidelity Foreman

Pat Porter

Pat Porter

Head, Admin and Finance

The Fidelity Foreman

Pat is generous with new ideas, refining others’ solutions, offering alternatives, and always optimistic in the face of uncertainty. He keeps our shop humming with discipline and is the constant embodiment of our core value, Integrity Always.

Rama Prasad

Rama Prasad

Head, Engineering Team

The Commitment Commissioner

Rama Prasad

Rama Prasad

Head, Engineering Team

The Commitment Commissioner

Rama’s commitment to all engenders commitment from all. His leadership inspires and fuels our high-performing engineering team. His commitment ensures Workforce Junction enjoys an exceptionally low rate of engineer turnover.

Renuka Venkatesh

Renuka Venkatesh

Lead, Analytics & Reporting

The Analytics Advocate

Renuka Venkatesh

Renuka Venkatesh

Lead, Analytics & Reporting

The Analytics Advocate

A data scientist at heart (and by training), Renuka has a virtuosic talent for helping our clients distill mountains of data, achieve greater clarity and make data-driven decisions with the utmost of confidence.

Russ Darrin

Russ Darrin

Head, Data Integration

The Data Disciplinarian

Russ Darrin

Russ Darrin

Head, Data Integration

The Data Disciplinarian

Behind the scenes, Russ makes certain accurate, timely data interchange happens come what may. His passion for relationships is key to harnessing the hodgepodge of disparate data sources and the successful deployment of benefits technology.

Shilpa Paritala

Shilpa Paritala

Lead, Implementation and Onboarding

The Deployment Detailer

Shilpa Paritala

Shilpa Paritala

Lead, Implementation and Onboarding

The Deployment Detailer

Always on a mission to deploy our enrollment and communication platforms quickly and flawlessly, Shilpa knows each employer is unique, with different business needs and workforce characteristics. She’s a constant catalyst for change who is thrilled by the potential of new ideas and opportunities.