CYBIL: Juan, I’m impressed, it seems you learned something from our wonderful experience with License This! Can’t say I’ve found an alternative… I haven’t had time to connect with the company my sister-in-law recommended.
Dee enters looking frustrated.
DEE: Well, I’m stumped. The agency principal we met at EB Futurama uses License This!. They’ve been able to make it work by building an internal technology team to fill in the gaps and do all the heavy lifting.
Walter enters, carrying several loose sheets of paper.
WALTER: Well, I think I’ve decided we might be up the creek. The agency owners I talked with either were just as messed up as we are when it comes to ben admin technology, or they have spent a ton of money gearing up internally.
DEE: Juan, what have you found out?
JUAN: Not much… but I have heard some pretty seductive sales pitches.
DEE: Cybil… do you have anything to give us a little hope?
CYBIL: Er… no, not yet. I haven’t had a chance to.
WALTER: That’s just great! What’s more important than this?
Cybil spins her chair around, stands and takes a step towards Walter.
CYBIL: What’s more important! How about the two dozen accounts I babysit day in and day out? How about cleaning up Juan’s messes… he keeps promising stuff and then dumping it on me to figure it out! How about all the stuff you and Dee seem to take for granted? Is any of that important!
DEE: Cybil, Cybil, take it easy. This isn’t about you. It’s about us.
CYBIL: About you and Walter you mean! Look, I’ve had it. I’m going home.
Cybil grabs her things. Walter steps out of the way as she stomps by. Juan, Dee and Walter stand bewildered and speechless.